This week saw the return to the blogosphere (I hate that
term) of Mr. Winston Smith and a much welcome return it is. Winston was one of
the shining lights when it came to highlighting the disgusting and fundamental
problems for young people in care. His accounts often harrowing and
heartbreaking in equal measure were written not from a perspective of hate and
loathing of the underclass, rather from, I believe, a genuine desire to
highlight the issues in an attempt to make things better. You always got the
impression that even when he'd experienced a great deal of abuse from the young
people he was caring for, Winston still wanted the best for them, he still
wanted to help - to me that is the mark of a genuinely decent and generous
His newest post is about how, now that he's had some time
away from writing and away from the battlefield as it were, he has been able to
reflect on his views and the things he wrote. To do something like this takes
tremendous courage and strength to see one's own faults and to admit when
you've perhaps made mistakes. There are a number of points where Winston has
done this and tried to explain his reasoning and thoughts at the time. Again, I
applaud, Winston for this and I admire him for holding his hands up and having
the balls to say I made a few mistakes.
I know in the past we haven't always agreed (my comments
about what should be done with the London rioters he thought were too extreme).
I also know that our social perspectives are very different; I'm a VERY hard line right-winger where he
comes at things from a left-wing, socialist perspective. Even though I do not agree with his point of
view; I still respect him greatly for having a strong direction and a genuine
passion and a desire for things to be better. From that perspective, I believe we have some
common ground. We both want our society to be better, we just come at it from
opposite ends.
Now, in his post he has talked about why he is still a
socialist and how his principals and views are shaped by left-wing ideas. I
will admit, as an ex lefty/socialist myself, his arguments are very persuasive
and they do have some merit to them. For example he blames the system of
extreme liberalism combined with excessive neo-liberal economic policies for
the growth in the underclass and increased inequality that has led to the
marginalisation of the working and lower working class. I also strongly agree
with his point about middle class teachers, social workers and other
professionals making excuses for working class anti social behaviour because of
the fact that they are working class. As I used to say many times on this blog,
that is a perfect example of miss-placed bleeding-heart, progressive dogma,
which tries to excuse behaviour by making these people out as victims of the
system. As Winston says: ' New Labour actually exacerbated the existence of the
underclass because they didn't understand that the values you instil in people
are just as important as the money you put in their pockets.' I would actually argue that New Labour knew
exactly what they were doing by fostering and promoting this unthinking, no
need to take responsibility for your own actions, victim mentality through
their use of social policy. They vastly increased the size of the underclass
and threw open the doors to untold poorly skilled and educated migrants so that
they could shore up their voter bases. I honestly believe that this experiment
in social engineering was done deliberately to secure votes for their party. Winston,
also, rightly, I believe, points out that the capitalist system will never
serve the interests of the working class, nor is it designed to help them out
of the mire. Quite so.
However, I part company from his arguments when he says: 'I have come to believe once
again that a fair, just and equitable societies can only come about when people
embrace a sense of collective purpose and work together for the common good.'
The problem with this belief is that for it to work you have
to have people working together 'collectively' for the common good - won't ever
happen on a large scale for an extended period of time. Here's why. Human
beings are all individuals, we are not and never have been a true collective
species. Admittedly, we do form into small tribes and even possibly extended
kinship groups; however, that has always been done to help further and improve
the chances of our groups, to pool resources to enable us to strive and attain
more than the next group. I know that there is the argument that because we are
so advanced now we have the capabilities of sharing resources so that nobody
need struggle or suffer. Indeed, that may be so, but the reason it doesn't
happen is because some people in their very DNA in their genetic makeup will
ALWAYS want more, will always want to exploit and control. Again, human beings
are not a true collective or altruistic species. We have glimpses of that, when
we can unite for the common good, but because of our competitive, individual natures,
we can't sustain that for very long. Another way of highlighting this is the
old example of hypothetically sharing out all the resources evenly (let's just
take money for this example) some people would spend it in a matter of days on
silly frivolous things and be left with nothing in a matter of weeks, whilst
others would save it or invest it wisely. We have been genetically pre
programmed to be that way and that is ultimately why a society based on a large
collective macro system is ultimately doomed to failure. These systems,
theoretically, be it capitalism or socialism, liberalism et al always work
brilliantly, because they see society functioning pretty much (there are a few
spaces open for divergent behaviour) as a homogenous mass. However, these
systems only work if basically every human is functioning to the best of their
ability and working collectively for a common goal. That is unrealistic, again
because of our individual natures. Now, I know that people will say yes but we
put laws, rules and regs in place to counter that and make people conform.
True, those rules and laws do help to curtail the problems and force people to
comply to a given system. For example, let's take a popular theme of the last
few years the fraud and illegal dealings of bankers that have left us all up
shit creek. We do indeed have laws, rules, sanctions and legislation to stop
bankers playing fast and loose and these should in theory have prevented the
bankers from getting us into such a terrible mess. However, as J.P' O Rourke
correctly put it: 'When buying and selling becomes regulated and legislated,
the first things to be bought and sold are the regulators and the legislators.'
In other words, humans will always find ways to bypass and get round laws and
rules if they go against their individual goals and ambitions.
Another important factor why these macro systems can't ever
work properly is because they don't actually exist. They are
societal/economic/cultural constructs that work through the use of shared goals
and aims. This is all well and good and very noble but as I mentioned above
when you factor in the intrinsic, individualism of human beings every grand
narrative that relies on something as weak as this is always bound to come a
cropper. This is why it would ultimately be pointless to try and change one
collectively driven system (capitalism/neo-liberalism) for another
(socialism). This is the great irony of
socialism because it can't or perhaps doesn't want to see that the same factors
which prevent capitalism from working effectively would, ultimately, stop it
from working properly, also. Again, I know people will argue that all you need to do is put in more
sanctions, laws and regs to make it (the chosen system) work better and more
effectively, but that is the same as treating the symptoms of an illness,
rather than the cause.
I honestly believe that until we have the technology to eradicate
intrinsic human faults, such as greed, our need to dominate, our need to
control and other negative individual traits on a genetic level, nothing is
going to improve. In the same way that we are now increasingly screening
embryos for genetic defects and illnesses, we are not that far off being able
to eliminate those negative characteristics, prenatal and replacing them with
desirable characteristics such as; greater compassion, a sense of collective
responsibility, love, kindness and gentleness et al. Until we are able to do
that our society will never become a more fair, equal and harmonious place,
because no matter the system, our individual drives and our detrimental human
faults will always win out over the long term and stop that needed sense of
collective and uniting social cohesion. That might sound pessimistic, but when
you consider the history of our species at no time have we EVER been able to
sustain a fair and just collective society. Furthermore, even today when we
could easily do that, it isn't possible because the ones who rise to the top
because they have that ruthless drive and ambition, will fight tooth and nail
to preserve what they have. Ultimately, at the moment, genetically we are not
an altruistic or collective species and that is why these grand systems can't
ever work.
Finally, I just want to stress that this is not meant as an attack on Winston in anyway. I admire him and I respect him and his writings greatly. I hope that he will take this post in the friendly and warm spirit in which it is meant - because that is sincerely how I hope it comes across. I urge anyone reading this to pop across to his blog and have a read of his excellent post. There is much in it to applaud and, as I pointed out above, I agree with lots of the points he has made. Thanks, Winston.