There is
some bad/offensive language used in this blog post, so you have been warned.
I was
reading in the Express newspaper online, yesterday about how someone had put a
Lord Kitchener inspired poster up in a Wetherspoons, informing those Muslims
who didn't like our country and who wanted to live under Sharia Law to f**k off
back to their monstrous shitholes where they came from. Link to article:
I have to
say I think this poster was a brilliant idea and I completely agree with the
sentiment of it. As some of you may know I have increasingly become very angry
at the way the PC brigades forced (and failed) attempt to ram multiculturalism
down our throats has escalated at pace over the last 15 years or more. I am
sick to death of it. In all honesty what has multiculturalism really enhanced
about this country, other than food which I can accept has been a big benefit.
My answer would be absolutely nothing. All it has done, in my opinion, is ghettoise
large parts of the country and turn them into shitholes. We have allowed in
totally alien cultures that are rooted in primitive and barbaric practices:
Forced marriage, honour killings, FGM, Halal slaughter and oppression of women
- the burka should be banned in this country. Furthermore, these practices are
not just exclusive to Asian societies, there have been other atrocities carried
out by other ethnic groups who still want to carry out primitive cultural and abhorrent
practices from their homelands. The torture and murder of Victoria Climbie
springs to mind. Additionally, it has
also made us feel shame at our own culture and twisted things so badly that we
feel afraid to express our own views, values and stand up for our own culture
because we might be branded racist, or God forbid, offend a minority. Although, strictly speaking that term racist shouldn't be used if you challenge Muslims or
Islam, because neither is technically a race, it is a religion. However, it is
actually becoming more of a political movement than simply a religion, which
helps to render the term of racism even more redundant. Be that as it may, I
have started owning the term of racist if it has been levelled against me for
my views and being proud of being called such. I have also been called a bigot,
a little Englander, fascist and other assorted terms, all of which I've
cheerfully accepted with a smile and said thank you to the assholes who have
thrown them out at me.
I firmly
believe that my culture, values, principles and ways of conducting our life are
far superior than large sections of the Muslim (and other minority) communities.
I will and must make a point here that not all Muslims (or other minorities)
are bad and primitive, just as not all English people are good and right. There
are Muslims out there who you might regard as very modern and have fully
embraced western culture, values and ideas. These are the ones who I would
argue have seen the light and also realised that as they have come to live in
our country, it is only fair that they live as we do and integrate fully into
our society. I applaud those people and welcome them. As I have said before,
there is an old saying - when in Rome live as the Romans do.
this is the main point of the poster which inspired this blog. It doesn't say
that ALL Muslims should leave. It simply (and rightly) points out that those
who do not like this country, our values, our culture and who wish to live as
they have/do in the middle east should go back there. There is absolutely
NOTHING wrong, nor offensive about that. It is common sense and being proud of
our indigenous culture and society. Again, I welcome anyone who wants to come
here so long as they want to accept and assimilate our culture into how they
live their lives. If they wish to live as Muslims and keep Islam as their faith
and their cultural foundation, then they should go back to the middle east or
another Islamist country.
For far too
long this country has been far too tolerant and welcoming of other cultures,
cultures who have no desire to integrate and assimilate fully into our western,
liberal standards. Cultures who have no common ground with ours and whose
practices are the absolute antithesis of ours. Consequently, because of the
huge influx of migrants and people from such alien environments, this country
has struggled to cope. Our communities are increasingly fractured, filled with
bitterness, resentment and suspicion. Our infrastructure in terms of housing,
schools and medical provision is at breaking point. Indeed, we have schools in
parts of larger cities where English is relegated to sometimes only the fourth
common language spoken. There are reports of Islamic faith schools who openly
tell their students not to mix with us 'infidels' because we are unclean.
Additionally, look at the abuse of young girls by Muslim gangs in towns like
Rotherham, Rochdale et al and the Trojan horse scandal of schools in the
Birmingham area. Furthermore, there are a number of videos on youtube (if they
haven't been removed) showing English people in places like Birmingham being
told to get out of certain neighbourhood by Asian men who patrol areas of the
city to keep non Muslims out. I am told this also happens in Leicester,
Bradford and other towns with a predominantly Asian majority. Additionally, in those cities and possibly a few others, it is
possible to see signs proclaiming that this is a Sharia controlled area.
Indeed, in Dewsbury which is in my neck of the woods, they have Sharia courts
set up to deal with matters concerning Muslim people. I am sure this practice
also happens in other cities and towns too.
This, to my
mind, is totally wrong and needs to be stopped and dismantled. Communities who wish
for that sort of thing need to be told point blank to f**k off. Again, I say if
that makes me a bigot, a racist, a supremacist or any other derogatory term you
wish to throw at me, I am happy to own it and say, yes I am and you know what?
I am proud to be any and all of those things, because I believe that that sort
of thing is abhorrent, multiculturalism is wrong and it needs to be got rid of.
I am proud of my country, its history, its values, its democracy and my
culture. I am a proud nationalist and I actually think each country should have
a singular dominant culture and if you go and live in that country you should
be required to convert to that culture and assimilate into that way of life.
I salute the
person who put that poster up in Wetherspoons, you were speaking for a great
many pissed of English people who are tired of having to bend over and take it,
who think the same as what was written on that poster but dare not say such
things. Well, I am tired of having to keep quiet about things like that in case
it offends anyone. I will say that if you are an immigrant here of whatever
faith, creed or minority, or even if you were born here, but you do still hate
this country, us English, our values, culture and want to live as they do in
the middle east or elsewhere - bugger off back there then.
although yesterday people were allowed to comment on that story in The Express
online and quite a few people did, who all seemed to agree with what was
written on that poster, in no uncertain terms. I note that today it is not
possible to add comment. That is also very wrong, we should NOT be afraid to
offend people. It is time we started being far more vocal in our dislike of
those practices that don't have any place in our English culture. And we
certainly shouldn't feel ashamed of openly telling those minorities who don't
like this country, our values, principles and people to FUCK OFF!