As the
vitally important EU referendum approaches (I've already filled in my postal
ballot with a X next to Leave) mud is being slung by both camps. However, there
are a couple of points that I have been getting incredibly annoyed with.
First, I
have several friends who work or worked for the NHS and all will vote Remain.
This to me is total crazy. If we vote to remain later this month, the EU WILL
sledgehammer TTIP through and that WILL kill off the NHS for good, as it will
be swamped with American private healthcare insurance and business. We won't be able to
stop that and I would argue within 5-10 years, we will have insurance based
healthcare - shudder!
The fact
remains that if we vote leave, we give ourselves a VERY SMALL chance of being
able to fend off TTIP, if enough of this apathetic country finally wakes the
hell up and gets off its backside and forces the Government to back down. Now,
I realise that is asking a HUGE amount given our stiff-upper-lip, don't rock
the boat mentality and our astounding lack or willingness to take direct action
against our governments who continually shit all over us. However, I'm hopeful
that for something like this, our country might finally get off its bum and
fight back. We have done recently with the suggested and vile attempted attacks
on disabled people and their benefits. The government were forced to back down
over that issue. Although, if it came to
having to fight both our own government and the faceless, totalitarian behemoth
that is the EU, I just know this pathetic country wouldn't have the stomach for
it. It is one thing to stand up to your own government; it is asking WAY too
much to expect us to fight two HUGE battles. I hope people can understand what
I'm saying here.
This is why
I'm totally infuriated with my friends misguided belief that it is better to
remain within the corrupt, totalitarian EU, than stand on our own to protect
our amazing NHS. It makes me want to scream. They rightly love the NHS, get so
angry with Jeremy Hunt for all the crap he's caused, but yet they still will
vote to remain. I just don't understand their thinking. I make no wonder Hunt
is telling us to remain, because then when the EU does force through TTIP and destroys
the NHS, he'll be able to sit back and say there was nothing he could do. It
was an EU order that we let in all these American private healthcare companies
to take over the NHS. It's win/win for him.
The second
thing that has annoyed me is the attacks on Farage for saying that if we remain
in the EU and are forced to take in a load of migrants from Syria, Algeria et
al; there is a strong chance that we COULD (and that was the wording he used) see
the same kind of sex attacks as we saw in Cologne. He is absolutely right to
point that out. He's NOT saying it WILL happen, but that it could happen, there
is a huge difference. That is not scaremongering, that is simply being honest.
I'm not saying for one moment that all male migrants are vile sex attackers (of
course they're not) I'm sure most of them are kind, gentle and decent people,
who only want a better life. However, the fact remains that if (and it is a big
if) we do have to take in migrants from that part of Africa/Middle East we ARE
taking in people whose attitude towards women (though again let me stress that
this not the case for all the people from those places) is, in large part, vastly
inferior to our own. Therefore, it COULD lead to the same kind of issues that
other European countries have increasingly experienced since the migrant crisis
I've voted
to Leave and I hope Britain sees the light and does the same. I really do.