This blog
post is dedicated to my very special friend, Rach, for all her support,
encouragement, warmth, openness and also her patience for putting up with me
for so many years. Also, largely because I’ve nicked one of her ideas I figured
she should get a mention. So in lieu of a hot chocolate, Rach, this post is for
you J
please be advised that there will be some strong/offensive language used.
Therefore, if easily offended or if you are a bleeding heart liberal I suggest
you go away.
I’ll start
by coming right out and say that I totally disagree with multiculturalism. It
hasn’t worked and it has turned this country into a shit-pit. I also strongly
believe that our western culture and democratic view is FAR superior to the
backwards, primitive and oppressive culture held within much of the Islamic
world. For the last 17 years – probably longer – we’ve had equality and
diversity and positive discrimination rammed down our throats to the point
whereby we were virtually brainwashed and cowered at the thought of having to
point out problems and issues with certain (though granted not all) sections of
our ethnic population. These issues which concern large sections of the Asian
community that were not integrating into our society and who were/have
ghettoised themselves throughout England could not be mentioned for fear of
being labelled racist or bigoted. Well, although I used to consider myself a
very tolerant and patient person, especially in my naive youth, I no longer
have time for such bollocks. If people wish to label me a bigot I don’t give the
proverbial flying fig.
Now, please
don’t misunderstand I’m not saying that all Asians are bad and all white people
are good, far from it. There are good and bad in every race, culture and creed.
At university I had several good friends who were of Indian heritage and I was
blessed to learn a little of their culture and experience their kindness,
warmth and generosity. However, these friends were not closed minded, they were
more than willing to integrate into our western culture and wanted to be part of
it. As one friend used to tell me: “We’ve come to your country, we are your
guests; therefore, if we don’t live as you do and embrace your way of living,
we are being rude and disrespectful.” I appreciated his honesty and thought
about how similar to the old saying of ‘when in Rome live as the Romans do’
this idea was.
In the last
few years we’ve had so many reports of disgusting, vile and inhuman behaviour
being perpetrated by some Muslims in Oldham and Rochdale, now also in Rotherham
for over a decade – last week it emerged that a gang of Asian men sexually and
physically abused a 13 year old girl for over a week in Bradford - to the
shocking reports of Islamic extremists taking over control of several schools
in the West Midlands. Furthermore, let us not forget the number of Muslims
(both white and Asian) from this country who have gone off to fight for IS. The
time has come to say enough is enough and to understand why these shocking and
disgusting atrocities have been allowed to happen.
I would
personally argue that the majority of this has happened because as Andrew
Neather, the former adviser to Tony Blair, claimed Labour ministers wanted to
“rub the right’s nose in diversity.” They threw open the doors and boarders to
scores of people from all over the world, largely the Middle East and Europe,
without putting the proper checks and balances in place or without a care as to
what the impact on this country would be in terms of services, housing, culture
or cohesion. These ministers, acting like spoilt, spiteful brats, pushed
through their warped ideological wet dream, arguably to secure votes and
bollocks to what the native people of this country thought.
So much for Labour being the party of the
people, eh?
this wishy washy liberal centre ground politics has been continued under Dave
Cameron and Nick Clegg. Well, now finally, it has come back to bite them in the
arse and they are totally fucking clueless how to handle it. Consequently,
while these atrocities continue, it is the ordinary, hard working, decent
people of this country who are left to suffer. This lefty progressive
multicultural dogma has ripped and torn much of the fabric of this once great
and tolerant nation asunder. Our national identity, our sovereignty, or home
grown laws and principals have been raped and slaughtered on the altar of
Political Correctness.
specific regard to the Rotherham case, perhaps one of the most shocking and
disturbing aspects was when someone tried to raise very genuine and serious
concerns about what was going on in the borough; this poor person, it is
alleged, was basically shouted down, told to keep quiet and sent on an
intensive diversity course. Jesus wept. I’m afraid that this speaks volumes
about the culture, values and ideology of the Labour controlled council in Rotherham.
In order to save face and make their multicultural utopia work, they would
rather ignore the abuse of children and the honest concerns of their courageous
workers/staff who valiantly tried to bring this awful abuse to light. Again
principals and ethics sacrificed in favour of a fundamentally corrupt political
ideology. I’m afraid this is often the way the left (and in many cases the
right) work.
I know that part of Yorkshire very well and what concerns me even more is
because of the politically and historical tribal nature of areas like
Rotherham, Doncaster and Barnsley (which is often laughingly referred to as a ‘Red Rosette on a Donkey territory’) the
people of Rotherham will still vote Labour at the next General Election. That
is a very real worry because if they can’t see how badly the Labour party has
betrayed them and the children of the town and if they continue to vote Labour,
I would argue that it is basically like condoning both the actions of the Asian
gang and Labour, whilst at the same time asking for more of the same. I hope
and pray that the voters of the town have enough sense to see what damage
Labour have done to the country and give them a real kick in the nuts come
election day. Although, the one true saying in politics is that the people get
the politicians they deserve.
Now, I’m no
lover of the B.N.P. I don’t support them or wish to endorse their views;
however, this pains me greatly to admit this but they were the ones who were,
in hindsight, trying to bring to our attention the fact that there were
predatory Asian gangs preying on young girls. Indeed there was an undercover
documentary filmed for BBC’s Panorama programme which, if memory serves, showed
Nick Griffin discussing that very issue. The programme caused outrage at the
time and Griffin and the B.N.P were kicked from pillar to post for such
outlandish and vile propaganda. Oh dear, for once (and I’m saying it through
gritted teeth) the B.N.P were right.
The other
point I want to raise is the reason why multiculturalism can’t ever work,
especially with specific regard to western and eastern cultures. Essentially,
our western culture is based around freedom, democracy, equality and an
individuals’ right to be and live as they want to. The Islamist culture is
based largely around an unquestioning subservience to Islam - to challenge the
Muslim faith is to incur the wrath of your family, community and spiritual
leaders. Very little critical, objective
debate is tolerated. Also, the truth is that large parts of it are incredibly
misogynistic and repressive especially where women are concerned. If you don’t
believe me go to Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan and see how women are treated
there. It is disgusting. Having had a number of conversations with slightly
more progressive Muslims and from various things that I’ve read and researched,
the traditional Islamic faith does not want its followers to mix and integrate
with other cultures so that they can’t become corrupted. In its more
fundamental teachings (the most extreme case being that of IS) it sees its goal
as one of domination and finding ways to convert as much of the world as it
can. In my opinion (which under western, democratic society I am entitled to)
Islam is an oppressive, primitive and backwards cult and in all honesty has no
place in our society. I realise that creates a dichotomy and a contradiction
for us in this country because we rightly pride ourselves on being tolerant and
liberal. However, I believe our liberal tolerance can only go so far. Indeed, I
would argue that we should stop welcoming in people who do not have or share
the same liberal and democratic views as us. This brings us back to the old
saying of when in Rome live as the Roman’s do. Furthermore, if you don’t like
that, feel free to fuck off! Essentially our two cultures and ways of living
are diametrically opposed and should NEVER have been forced to integrate. Let
me also make it perfectly clear that although I have focused this post on Muslim
culture the same goes for any culture that tries to oppress, control and refuses
to integrate totally with our English values and way of life. Again, if you
don’t like it, piss off.
What I have
come to realise over the last year is that although I wouldn’t describe myself
as a racist as I don’t judge people because of their skin colour, or simply on
their race; I am willing to call myself a culturist. As I’ve mentioned, I have
come to the conclusion that certain cultures are superior to others. It might
be an uncomfortable fact but many cultures around the world are based around primitive,
uneducated, undemocratic and oppressive ideologies. However, because of our
increased belief in moral and ethical relativism we have become brainwashed
into being afraid to say this out loud. Well I’m sick to death of that. It’s
time the people of this country took to the streets and put an end to this
progressive, P.C bleeding-heart bullshit that has wrecked this once great
country. I want my country back. I want an end to multiculturalism and I want
immigrants wishing to come to this country to live as we live, adopt our
values, democracy and traditions or fuck off somewhere else!
1 comment:
Hi CC!
Glad to see you are still alive and kicking!
Hear hear!
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