I have to
admit I've been laughing myself silly over the last couple of weeks at how
disgusted people are with how much back peddling David Cameron has done since
winning the election. Just one month in and he has already gone back on his
word about getting rid of/reforming the Human Rights act; then, just today,
threatening his ministers to vote with him on accepting ANY new EU deal or
Dear sheeple, who believed all the negative GE
campaigning and swallowed all the rubbish and over exaggerated promises made,
TOLD YOU SO! Not that that actually helps the country now. We are all stuck
with this cretin and his weak and pathetic government. I must admit, the
morning after the election I have rarely felt such anger and bitterness towards
my fellow countrymen (UKIP voters excluded). We had the perfect chance to
change things and to take the country in a new more positive 'common sense'
direction, but, as usual, we caved in and bottled it. That is the one HUGE flaw
in our cultural make-up. Our stoic, stiff upper lip, don't take a chance
mentality has stopped us time and time again from breaking free of the shackles
that have held us captive since the war. It's exactly the same mentality that
keeps abused wives/girlfriends going back to their abuser, just so they can
give them 'one more chance'. The results are always the same, more abuse, more
suffering and hardship. As far as I'm concerned the only true saying in
politics is this one: 'The people always get the politicians and the
governments they deserve.'
For those of
you who are wise enough to read Peter Hitchens' column in the Mail On Sunday,
he had been saying for months (actually years) that the Conservatives weren't
real Conservatives anymore and that Cameron as the 'heir to Blair' was exactly
that, a wet, liberal progressive who whole heartedly agreed with Blair's
policies and political direction. Mr. Hitchens also correctly pointed out that
all the pledges and fanciful promises made before the election were done
precisely because the Tories never expected to win an outright majority -
indeed, they probably didn't expect to win at all. The look of shock and
dumbfounded surprise on the faces of Dave and Gideon the morning after told the
real story.
The thing
which has REALLY made me laugh though, was talking to some true die hard
Torries, pre election, who firmly believd that Dave couldn't enact true
Conservative policies because he was shackled to the Libdems. However, with
this ultimatum today, he has once and for all shown his true liberal
progressive colours and completely killed any possible doubt that he has any
real Conservative leanings. I just know that the Conservative supporters I
spoke to previously, will be spitting feathers and asking for blood pressure
pills today. Oh there are non so blind as them who will not see.
regarding Cameron's promise to get Britain a better deal and repatriate powers
back from the EU. As I have said many times, he can't do that. The fundamental
law of the EU is Acquis Communautaire, which clearly states that once powers,
control and sovereignty has been handed over to the EU, that can't be handed
back, renegotiated or repatriated unless the member state enacts article 50 of
the treats and completely leaves the EU. Also, with the considerable and fundamentally
deep rooted changes Cameron is seeking from the EU; it would require ALL
members sates to vote on them and accept them. That would be like turkeys
voting to have three Christmases a year - will NEVER happen. Therefore, all of
the waffle coming from Cameron is pure spin and bullshit. In any case, Cameron
is so pro EU there is absolutely NO WAY he wants us to leave. Any little bits
he can get (which will be meaningless) from the EU will be lauded as a HUGE
victory and spun as a great deal for Britain and then his party will be forced
to accept that and fight tooth and nail to keep us shackled to another (even
more powerful) abuser.
I just pray
that after being so badly screwed in only a month, the sheeple of this pathetic
island will for once vote NO in the referendum and get us out of the stinking,
undemocratic, federalist, shit-pit that is the EU.
You've been
fooled once, DON'T BE FOOLED AGAIN!
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