The ONLY true saying in politics that I've ever heard is the
one that says: 'The people get the politicians and the Governments they
I've been in two minds about writing this post because over
the last 6 months or so I've found myself becoming more and more depressed with
the state that our country finds itself in. I've been caught up in the frame of
mind that screams " What FING good does it do!" However, over the
past two months I've found myself becoming so incredibly angry that I feel I
must write, I must speak out and I must do my best to get people thinking.
For me, as I've said many times on this blog; our collective
sense of apathy and that misplaced stoic, stiff-upper-lip don't rock the boat
mentality is killing us. It might work great in war time, but for everything else it makes us easy targets for being screwed. We are increasingly becoming our own willing,
compliant prisoners in a vile and heartless political game of divide and conquer.
The two major issues that have arisen
recently have been the NHS doctors strikes and last week's shocking and purely
evil attack on disabled people. As much as I blame and hate the politicians and
MSM for lying to us and deliberately manipulating us, my anger is increasingly
turning to the people of this country for being such stupid, willing sheep.
Tomorrow is Budget day, when Gideon will stand in the
commons and lie to us about how well the economy is doing, how strong it is,
how well he has done as chancellor. In fact, the truth is he has MISSED every
single one of his fiscal targets for the last 6 years. NOT ONE OF THEM HAS HE COME
CLOSE TO ACHIEVING. We have the lowest growth in terms of productivity and
wages since records began. Yet he and his governmental pals have allowed
endless tax breaks for the super wealthy, have allowed all MPs a 10% rise,
whilst the average worker has had to endure a 1% wage increase for the last 6
years (which given the cost of living and inflation has really meant a
significant wage decrease). Gideon, has done shady, back-door deals with
companies like Google so they can work out how much tax they'd like to pay
back, instead of paying back the billions they actually owe. Incidentally,
several of Google's big wigs also hold crucial advisory roles within this
Conservative government. Furthermore, Gideon and his child were flown
out to the recent Super Bowl (all allegedly paid for by Google) only a couple
of days after this incredible deal was made - which was then spun every which
was as a resounding success for the chancellor and HMRC. What a load of
Added to which, we are told to prepare tomorrow for even
more cuts to vital public services. Ask yourselves this. If our economy is
doing so well, why the hell do we need even more austerity, more food banks and
cuts to things which most of us badly need, whilst the Tory toffs and their
mates get a whopping 10% pay rise and tax
breaks? Again, I urge people TO WAKE UP!
Although, perhaps the most disgusting recent attack was the
£30 cut to disabled benefits by Mr. Ian Duncan Smith and his department (which
was stealthily rushed through parliament using a little known clause that
allows MPs to vote things through without the approval of the Lords). Again,
incidentally, this was voted for by ALL Conservative MPs. A government that can
attack and make things worse for the most vulnerable and sick in our society
has shown how heartless and corrupt it really is. Yet, perhaps the most
shocking aspect of all this is the disgusting sense of apathy by the British
people. We are letting this shit happen to us!
It is well past time this country mobilised as a collective
force, took to the streets and called a mass general strike to force the
government to back down. How much more will it take before this pathetic
country says ENOUGH?!
I'm reminded of the poem (though I can't remember the name
or the author) which talks about how someone didn't say anything when they came
for the sick, the old, this group, that group, until one day the government
came for them, but then there was nobody left to protest. (if somebody knows
which one I'm referring to please drop a note in the comments).
As I have noted many times in this blog, it is all very well
moaning about austerity and the wicked government in the pub or on message
boards, comment sections, but until those of us who can, get up off our
backsides and take direct and sustained action, nothing will change. As the
quote goes: 'All that is needed for evil to flourish is for good men to do
As a disabled person myself, I am very limited in what I can
do and I do see the irony perhaps about venting my anger on a blog, instead of
going out there and fighting when that is what I'm encouraging others to do.
However, I feel I have a very valid excuse (and in my youth when I was able I
did take part in a couple of protests).
t is high time we put aside our apathy and started to fight
and challenge the government. We are many in number, they are few. If we work
together collectively, they would have to back down. However, it won't happen
until we wake up, stop being so typically British and start giving a damn about
ourselves and our country as a whole. I fear time is fast running out when we
won't be able to stop this. It is time to say ENOUGH!
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