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Monday, 27 April 2015

Labour's Education Minister wants to re-educate you.....Be Afraid!

As the Election lumbers on with only a few days to go; I was watching the Daily Politics election debates on education the other day. The first thing that struck me was again how biased the BBC's  Andrew Neil was when it came to giving air time and space to talk to the party representatives. Both UKIP and The Greens were basically pushed to the sidelines, whilst the other 3 parties were given loads of time to prattle on with basically the same policies. To be bluntly honest I can't really remember what the Lib/Lab/Cons were wittering about because it's essentially the same crap they have been spouting for decades. I was particularly scared when Labour's education representative, Mr. Hunt said (albeit tongue-in-cheek to Andrew Neil) "Labour will re-educate you, Andrew." Shudder! We had 13 years of Labour's vision of Education, Education, Education and it was a hollow, data driven, politically dogmatic indoctrination of our young people.

As I have made very clear in other blog posts, I am a supporter of UKIP. I think they represent real and genuine positive change for this country. They (at least for the moment) don't come across as a slightly red or blue shade of vanilla. They tell things how they are and they are saying the things that lots of my friends, family, and England in general, have been saying for a LONG time. Granted, to the progressive, leftie-liberal, PC brigade they may sound racist and an anathema to their multi-cultural, morally relativist, utopian and metropolitan wet dream. However, these are the people who have insulated themselves from the harsh realities of life in modern Britain. These wet-ends are not the ones who have had to watch their cities change completely as more immigrants swamp them, making things incredibly difficult for a village, town or city's infrastructure and essential services to cope with. I am always aware of the words of Andrew Neather, advisor to Tony Blair, who published memos several years ago, which clearly showed that Labour deliberately and callously threw open the doors to uncontrolled mass immigration because they wanted to change the cultural and societal landscape of this country; in order to simply 'rub the right's nose in diversity and make their arguments redundant.' For that betrayal alone, Labour and their warped, failed ideology and corrupt dogma should NEVER be given the keys to Number 10.

However, I digress.

As a now ex teacher/lecturer I have seen firsthand the incredible damage that both Labour and the Conservatives have done to our education system, with their stupid fantasies about the benefits of an egalitarian one size fits all approach. To my mind, their dangerous meddling and inability to see that the comprehensive model of education simply does not work, is essentially child abuse. They have stolen opportunities and chances from generations of children, whose parents can't afford to send their kids to private schools, or move house to get into the catchment areas of good schools. Ask yourselves this question: If their education policies have worked so well and improved the lives of children for generations, why do politicians virtually always send their kids to private schools instead of even the good/outstanding comprehensive schools in their own constituency? Indeed, as was waspishly pointed out by Andrew Neil, all three representatives of Lib/Lab/Con in this debate had been privately educated and gone to top universities. They waffled some meaningless guff about this and moved on quickly. Often you have to look at what these idiots don't say, or how they act in tricky situations to get a real picture of where they are coming from, rather than the vague, wordy, spun out 'on message' drivel they come out with.

The answer is simple. Politicians know full well that the education available for the masses of this country is fucking shit. It has been dumb down and raped of practically any worth. Schools don't really teach children anything nowadays, at least not in the way that we think of teaching. All they do is put kids on an assembly line in a great exam factory, fill them full of things they need to pass exams and make sure that the school can get an acceptable A-C pass rate and have great looking data for Ofstead and league tables. God help any child if they are not academic and not able to contribute towards those A-C grades. My job for four years was working with pupils like that who weren't academically inclined and who struggled like crazy with reading and writing and so couldn't engage with the narrow and biased curriculum. On a practical level, they could have run rings round me when it came to sports or trade based work. However, those things are frowned upon in this country and are treated like the bastard child of education. Consequently, there is so little provision available for students like that. In my experience, it is only when they get to year 10, have been totally turned off by school, got a reputation for disrupting lessons (because they are so bored with academic stuff and can't understand it) that they are begrudgingly found a place at a local F.E college and allowed to go and do trade subjects. Where, lo and behold, they flourish and end up doing really well.

This has been our problem since the 60s, when schools were hijacked by trendy leftie progressives with their idiotic views about how humans and societies were basically a collective and stopped seeing humans as individuals with different skills, abilities and needs. And began promoting the need for a completely comprehensive model of education. Actually, to be fair, Marx himself realised this and knew that society wasn't totally collective. However, this piece of common sense is largely ignored and frowned upon by Frankfurt school, 'Common Purpose' idiots.

Therefore, as a result of our own snobby ignorance and a refusal to accept that different types of learners require different types of schools and education, we have condemned scores of highly practical children to five wasted years of torture, wasting their talents and abilities and just for an added bit of fun, made them feel useless, pathetic, thick and worthless. Great job.

Furthermore, when there are deep, vested interests, these powers that be will cling onto their failed, corrupt and broken ideologies/systems and fight to protect them. The way they do that now is by using meaningless stats and data about pass rates in G.C.S.E exams to back up their claims that we have one of the best education systems in the world. They will tell you how the exam success shows that our young people are getting a great education and that they are able to compete with children all over the world....Trust me, they are not and they can't!

Mind you anyone with some common sense can see the reality is not like that at all. We get countless stories from employers who say that when they try and take our young people on, they can hardly read, write or use basic maths skills. They complain, that our young people don't have a depth of knowledge or a good enough understanding of skills to function in most workplaces. As I mention above, this is because in schools we rarely teach children these skills or equip them with the required knowledge because 90% of the focus is simply on passing worthless, dumb down exams. It is a disgrace.

This is why I support UKIP because they are the only party with the balls to want to smash through all this progressive bullshit and want to bring back selection by ability and want to challenge our snobby belief that only academic qualifications count. They are following Germany's approach to education. In Germany (I know this because I have friends who teach over there) they have basically always believed that different types of learners need different schools and that selection by ability is the best way to bring out the abilities of their young people. However, unlike us and our pompous bias towards academic subjects at the cost of vocational trades - which is what created a very unfair and unbalanced two tier education system in this country from the 1940s until the 70s - Germany spends vast sums of money ensuring that all types of education and schools get the best equipment, teachers and facilities. That is the vital difference. It is this ethos that UKIP are seeking to copy and I know that if they succeed it will improve the education system in this country beyond belief.

That is the key reason that I support UKIP. They are the only party, who have a genuine idea how to improve the education for our young people. Selection by ability and having different school for different children is the best way to improve things. The other three parties hate this idea and won't even consider it. However, just remember that although they are happy for things to stay the same and for your children to attend crappy schools, if you don't happen to live in a good catchment area. They have the money and the connections to get their children into the best schools in the country. That is the worst kind of hypocrisy and I hate them for it. They are scum!

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Libya migrants and a few thoughts on UKIP

This post is going to be a collection of my thoughts in relation to a number of recent social and political events. It does contain some bad language, so you have been warned.

First, regards the horrendous sinking of the migrant ship off the coast of Libya. No one who has a heart could fail to be moved by the images and pictures that emerged over the weekend. Those poor people fleeing persecution, torture and most probably death end up trapped on a sinking ship. It's almost beyond comprehension. God knows what they must have gone through, especially given the fact that it has emerged that IS are now slaughtering large numbers of prisoners on the beaches of Libya. God help us. I hope that Mr. Cameron feels deep, crippling pain at his decision to bomb Libya and help overthrow Gaddafi. It was his actions, along with our western allies and their lust for power, coupled with a dreadfully misguided belief that the much lauded 'Arab Spring' could/would bring democracy to a part of the world that has shown, over and over, that it will NEVER be fit or able to live under our moderate, liberal democratic values which has helped to bring about the evil of IS. Yes, our elites ARE ultimately responsible for the recent horrors that has befallen that part of Africa and the Middle East - thank God Cameron didn't get his way when he wanted to bomb Syria.

I'm not saying that the rulers of that part of the world: Gaddafi, Saddam or Assad are/were good people, they were/are not and they did terrible things, but whichever way you look at it, things were better under their control than ever they could be under IS. Sometimes it really is better the devil you know. Oh yes, Mr. Cameron, you sir have buckets of innocent blood on your hands. I make no wonder swathes of our politicians  were stunned into silence over the weekend and unsure how to handle the situation. The reason being is that these migrants and their horrible deaths represent the very embodiment of their tragic and utterly misguided actions. I would further argue that they were slow to respond because they genuinely don't know what to do to make things right in those parts of the world, now that their feeble and insufficient military interventions have failed and created far more problems. In modern times the problem with all our military exploits has come about because there simply hasn't been enough thought give to the post-war stage. We have attempted to install 'friendly' governments and structures - such as in Afghanistan and Iraq - which won't work because of the deeply fundamentalist natures of the tribal systems. Again, I've said this many times but our version of democracy can't and won't ever be achievable in those parts of the world because their whole culture, history and societal make-up is the very antithesis of democracy. That's why it has failed so spectacularly in Iraq and Libya and I believe is on the points of failing in Afghanistan.
In reality, it would have been far better if America and to a much lesser extent ourselves, had reverted back to and adopted England's model of colonialism. If they'd realised that once military action was over, they were going to have to be there for at least 50-70 years and set up full colonial administrations, systems and governments; I honestly believe that would have avoided a great number of the problems we have seen in recent decades. The problem with our modern, short-term intervention approach is that it usually leaves one hell of a vacuum, coupled with those basically pre-feudal, fundamentalist, tribal structures it is recipe for unimaginable disaster.

So what should be done with these stranded migrants? This is a really tough question because ultimately we are responsible, in large part, for the troubles that are raging through that part of northern Africa and the Middle East. I hope to goodness I never find myself in that situation, because in that eventuality I would hope that another country would be kind enough to take me in. Having said that, my gut reaction is to treat them at sea the best we can and then send them back. That is not an easy decision and I say that with a sad and heavy heart. However, as awful as their situation is, there is probably a good chance that amongst those migrants is a number of purely economic migrants and quite possibly a number of sleeper IS spies/terrorists. Furthermore, if we go soft and take in one boatload now, then in the near future countless more will try the same again and again, until we'll be swamped. Today Paul Abbott, the Aussie PM, has urged Europe to do what they do and turn back refugee boats. They have a zero tolerance approach to migrants who try to enter their country. From what I have read this hard and tough stance does seem to work and it stops many would be illegal migrants trying to get to Aus. It must be nice to live in a country where the politicians have balls and are not afraid of putting their own people first. At the end of the day we can't save the world. Yes, we may have caused this but we and the rest of Europe can't take in masses of migrants. The more we take in the more we will be viewed as soft and also the greater the chances of being infiltrated by terrorists. This is another reason why over the last few weeks/months I have become so incredibly angry with our pathetic government for allowing back people who left this country to join or try and join IS. They should NEVER be allowed back. You've made your bed now lay in it. Ok, many of them have come back with absolute horror stories of depravity and barbaric cruelty beyond imagination, but how do we know they are not agents of IS who have concocted all this stuff? We don't.

I make no apologies for taking such a hard-line view. If you hated this country so much that you were willing to go off and join a group so inhumane and who detest and hate everything we stand for and want to bring the same around the western world, why the fuck should we take you back? In my opinion anyone who is blinded enough to go and do something like that, when the horror of what awaits them is very well documented, then they can happily go and die for all I care. They deserve everything they get for being so stupid. I have zero sympathy. Also, I would bet money that allowing these people back into our country will eventually prove to be a massive mistake. (Please let me be proved wrong on that.) I just have a horrible feeling that we are walking into a HUGE trap by doing this. Again, bleeding heart, PC liberals have been spouting crap in the media about how we need to let them back and give them a second chance. Am I the only one who hopes that if this does prove to have been a trap, that the people who get taken out first are these same do-gooders with their bleeding heart views?

I'm supporting UKIP.
As many long time readers of this blog will remember, I am a huge supporter of UKIP. I think they are a breath of fresh air in a very stale political system. Yes, I know they are not perfect and their supporters/activists sometimes make huge gaffes and come out with some views that I don't agree with (although sometimes I do.) However, that just shows that they are real. They are not made up of 'on message' sheep, who are so disconnected from the real world that real people can't relate to them. I find their gaffes and there unrehearsed and sometimes clumsy approach endearing. After decades of polished, spin and evading of questions I love their honesty. I particularly back their policies on leaving the EU, immigration control and more specifically on Education, as they are the only party who champion the virtues of bringing back selection by ability.

The three main parties have all sold this country down the river. They are all wedded to the increasingly dangerous federalist super state dream of Europe. They are all indoctrinated with this evil progressive, liberal, PC dogma that has allowed ethnic minorities to get away with abusing young girls and unrestricted mass immigration from the EU and the Middle East, which has made large sections of certain cities no go areas for white Brits. For that I lay the blame firmly at Labour's door. God help us if they get elected again in May; we've already had umpteen glimpses of their 'big state' socialist driven, controlling hell that awaits us should people be stupid enough to vote for them. I find it so incredibly hard to understand how people can have such short memories of what we ended up with after 13 years of that quasi-socialist rabble. By 2010 they had all but bankrupted the country, everything was controlled by meaningless targets, data and quangos. The PC brigade had pretty much made every form of free speech a crime and we were ruled by an ideology that thought the state new best. Not to mention all the taxes and borrowing and back door privatisation of both the NHS and education through the use of PFI. Gordoom Clown and his cabinet (some of whom are still very much in charge with Milliband, Ed Balls for chancellor, anyone.....SHUDDER!) were the most hated and despised political leaders we'd virtually ever had. And yet the sheeple of this country still seem set to vote them back in to finish off the job. It beggers belief!

I know UKIP won't win, I'm not as delusional as some supporters who comment on the Express stories. Our FPTP system will make sure of that. However, I suspect they will do better than expected and win a number of seats up and down the country. Then, I hope we will begin to see some real choice in our politics with a party who isn't afraid to tell it like it is and offend some people. A party for the people who believes in its people and wants to but their values and culture first. The biased BBC really will have a problem then; all their wet end lefties must be crapping themselves. Although, actually, knowing how the left think as well as I do, they are usually insulated by their self righteous sense of always being right. I hope all that is going to change on May 8th.
Best of luck UKIP, kick some arse and say it like it is!

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

How to deal with the feckless underclass and stop them breeding

Aside from all the election nonsense that has now kicked into overdrive; one of the most interesting and perhaps worrying stories over the last week was that of Mike Holpin. The jobless, feckless person who has 40 children and has been named as Britain's worst father. Good grief!
In the past I wrote a great deal about the underclass scum and how you deal with them. I also still believe that in order to understand them, you have to practically get down in the gutter with them; then and only then can you truly appreciate the depravity and the level to which this small yet significant sub-set of human pond life have sunk.

As I used to say, these people, the real core of the underclass (not the ones on the periphery, but the real, rotten stinking core) can't EVER be helped and DON'T want to be helped. Nothing you do will benefit them or change them or make them into useful members of society. The ONLY way to stop this cancer from spreading through our society is to stop them breeding. Not cut child benefit, not put more resources into 'helping' them, not give them another social worker - stop them breeding. End of.
However, the first thing we as a society would need to do is to stop seeing having children as a 'right' but see children as a 'privilege'. Once you change that mindset you can then build on the premise that, like all privileges, they must first have to be earned. By earned I don't mean spend more time in the bedroom, I mean demonstrating first that you would make good, loving, supportive and committed parents before being allowed to have children.

My starting point for this belief came from experience of a family member who went through the arduous and challenging process of adoption. The hoops and criteria they had to jump through and pass to prove and demonstrate that they were the right sort of people for adopting a child was unimaginably difficult and pushed them to the very limit. Ultimately, this process proved beyond any shadow of doubt that they were exactly the sort of responsible, loving and dedicated parents suitable for adopting a child. Non but the most committed, strong, loving and serious could ever have passed those criteria. Thankfully, now, they are the loving, amazing parents to a beautiful little girl.

My point is that if we have those strict criteria in place for adoption, similar criteria should be placed on everyone who wants to have a child. They should have to earn the privilege of having children. If we had the guts to do that you would rule out ALL these feckless, scroungers, who just see children as a bit of fun and a potential cash cow. The reason being, that the really feckless, ner-do-wells wouldn't have the commitment, dedication, selflessness or even the motivation to pass all those criteria. It would be too much hard work for them. The irony being that - as my family members pointed out - no matter how hard those tests and criteria were to pass, they were nothing compared to how hard it is to actually raise, support and love a child properly. Hopefully, you get my point here.
At this stage, I realise there will be those screaming Nazi and totalitarian arsehole at the screen. Ask me if I give a chuff. I don't. I make absolutely no apologies for taking such a hardline, draconian approach.

I have experienced first-hand, countless times, the damage, pain, suffering and destruction of a child's life that can occur because of our progressive, morally relativist, bleeding heart dogma that has infected this country more and more since the 60s. Worse still I have heard horrendous, heartbreaking accounts from family and friends who work for social services. Accounts so disgusting and evil that I would give anything if I could have them eradicated from my mind.  So, if you think my views too extreme, too right-wing, tough shit. I am totally unapologetic and stand by them. You won't hear these views and solutions expressed by our politicians and our media, but I promise you this; if we did have the guts to go down this road, our society would be a hell of a lot better and we could stop a great deal of the suffering of unborn children, because they would no longer to be born to underclass scummy families.

So how would I achieve this?

1. Contraception would be compulsory from the age of 13/14 (and we also need to hurry up and develop a pill or contraceptive implant for males, too). Then, girls/women/men could be given the privilege of coming off contraception once they have signalled that they want to have a family and that they have passed a certain number of criteria. These criteria would be:

 2. A set level of educational attainment, probably A'Level and/or vocational equivalent and/or higher. This would do two things. First, it would at the very least give prospective parents an adequate level of education/skills/training to be able to find a decent job so that they could support themselves and their family. Secondly and more importantly, it would help to demonstrate that these prospective parents had a sense of delayed gratification and a certain level of 'stick-ability' which shows they can be committed and work hard for something. They are not just going to quit when things get difficult (vital for the pressures and stresses that a child brings)

3. Prospective parents must prove that they have been in a loving, supportive and committed relationship for a set number of years. Again, this demonstrates a high level of working towards a shared goal and a sense of delayed gratification. They aren't just going to split up once the pressures and stress kick in.

4. Prospective parents must have held down a job for a set number of years and can demonstrate that they are financially independent and can support themselves and their children without state handouts.
Once all these criteria had been met, then and only then could the contraceptives be removed and the couple could either have a child of their own or adopt.

Now, I hold my hands up and admit that this plan is not fool proof and could be open to abuse. Even with these strict criteria in place, children could still end up in abusive and unloving homes. Yes, true, I can agree with that. Nothing is ever going to be 100% successful. However, as I've argued, it would stop large numbers of innocent children being born to people who don't deserve to have such a wonderful and amazing gift as a child in their lives. It would certainly put off, these lazy, feckless good for nothing, underclass scumbags from fathering so many children and then all but destroying their lives and ruining that child's chances.

As totalitarian and draconian as this idea sounds, if it stopped children being born into such horrendous environments, then I'm all for it.